Indian Navy Swiftly Responds to Hijacking Attempt off Somali Coast

Indian Navy’s Mission-Deployed Platforms Thwart Hijacking Effort on MV Lila Norfolk

In a prompt and decisive response, the Indian Navy successfully thwarted a hijacking attempt on the Liberia-flagged bulk carrier MV Lila Norfolk off the Somali coast. The vessel, carrying 15 Indian crew members, had sent an alert on the UKMTO portal, indicating an unauthorized boarding by approximately five to six unknown armed individuals on Thursday evening.

Swift Action and Maritime Security Operations:

The Indian Navy swiftly engaged its mission-deployed platforms, including the Maritime Patrol Aircraft (MPA) P8I and the warship INS Chennai, to address the evolving situation. The Navy launched the MPA to monitor the vessel’s movements, and INS Chennai, originally deployed for Maritime Security Operations, was diverted to provide immediate assistance.

Safety Confirmation and Ongoing Surveillance:

Early Friday morning, the MPA overflew the hijacked vessel, established communication, and confirmed the safety of the crew on board. The naval aircraft continues to closely monitor the vessel’s movements, ensuring a vigilant approach to the ongoing situation.

INS Chennai En Route for Assistance:

In tandem with the aerial surveillance, INS Chennai is en route to the hijacked vessel to render assistance. The naval warship, equipped for maritime security operations, aims to safeguard the crew and contribute to resolving the situation.

Coordinated Monitoring with International Partners:

The Indian Navy is actively coordinating with other agencies in the region and maintaining a vigilant stance in collaboration with international partners. The overall situation is under close scrutiny to ensure the safety of the vessel and its crew.

Series of Maritime Incidents:

This incident follows a series of maritime security challenges in the region. In December, the Indian Navy rendered assistance in a piracy incident involving the Malta-flagged vessel MV Ruen. Additionally, there were drone attacks on vessels, including the Liberian-flagged MV Chem Pluto and the Gabon-flagged MV Sai Baba, reflecting a shift in maritime incidents closer to the Indian Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ).

Commitment to Maritime Safety:

The Indian Navy reaffirms its commitment to ensuring the safety of merchant shipping in the region. The timely and effective response to the hijacking attempt on MV Lila Norfolk underscores the Navy’s dedication to maritime security and protection of vital sea routes.

Stay tuned for further updates on this developing maritime incident

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