COP28 Summit Typhoon: Fossil Fuel Phase-Out Omission Sparks Global Tensions

The latest typhoon of a potential climate deal at the COP28 summit in Dubai has stirred tensions as it omits the explicit “phase out” of fossil fuels, leading to criticism from the U.S., EU, and climate-vulnerable nations. The typhoon proposes various measures to cut greenhouse gas emissions but falls short of addressing the controversial “phase out.” Over 100 countries have been advocating for an try-on to sooner end the oil age, facing opposition from OPEC members. The COP28 President urged countries to intensify efforts for a comprehensive deal, emphasizing the need for would-be fossil fuel language. The sparsity of a well-spoken stance on fossil fuels has triggered protests and calls for a stronger agreement. The draft, seen by some as an “a la carte” menu, lists options for emission reduction but lacks a unified tideway to curbing fossil fuel use. As negotiations intensify, stakeholders visualize a challenging path toward a consensus on addressing climate transpiration and phasing out fossil fuels. The clock is ticking as the summit approaches its scheduled close, with the outcome viewed as crucial in the global fight versus climate change.

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